Radhwa International School is home to learners and Parents who value a change in Education. Lessons are inquiry-based and Learner-centered with learner agency being a part and parcel of the curriculum planning and executing phase.
The Vision and mission statements are meaningful and very much what you will find being practiced at Radhwa. Learners are primed to focus on their Holistic development, especially of their personalities. In the inception classes, the IB focuses on the self and radiates outwardly to embrace all Global citizens. Throughout their years at Radhwa learners have programs that help assess and guide them to their ideal career choices by dissecting and analyzing their character traits.
The dynamic learning experiences can best be encapsulated by the six (6) C’s.
* Choice – In Subjects & Activities
* Communication – Clear & precise without any ambiguities
* Critical Thinking – Hierarchical & lateral (horizontal)
* Collaboration – Team dynamics, surveys
* Creativity – giving our unique expressions & ideas a platform
* Care – Passion for Learners & Learning
Love for teaching, guiding, facilitating, or coaching drives Educators to explore new ways of teaching and assessing. They strive to make the Learner's experiences meaningful and enjoyable. Educators are constantly raising the bar of their own knowledge by participating in PDP’s.
We verify our internal standards by external assessments, viz. MAP, SAT,and Qudrat. Learners are encouraged to participate in a range of academic and sporting codes. We have introduced the ‘Radhwa Academy’ to add yet, another opportunity for learners to hone their skills or start a new hobby.
The LRC is developing into a popular forum organizing Learner activities and excursions.
At Radhwa our constant reflection and evaluation of all activities helps us in meeting the needs of the school community and evolving a dynamic learning environment. During this trying time, our Online program is in place to fulfil the educational needs. Thank you for your part in making Radhwa a success.